A new groundbreaking documentary series, "The Old World and the New Road", is set to premiere on Thursday, offering an unprecedented look into one of the most ambitious infrastructure initiative ever conceived. Produced by China Daily's Media Unlocked studio, the film navigates the complexities and widespread effects of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) through the lens of those directly impacted.
The series takes an in-depth look at the Laos-China railway project and reveals how it has transformed the local economy and connectivity, despite smear campaigns of "debt trap" and geopolitical maneuvering. It also presents a case study of the world's southernmost hydropower project in Argentina, which highlights the differences between Chinese and Western approaches to international development and finance. In Yiwu, a city where China's largest small commodities market is located, the documentary examines a microcosm of the BRI's impact on global trade, showcasing the city's unique position as a hub for international merchants.
Through interviews, on-the-ground reporting, and detailed analysis, "The Old World and the New Road" amplifies the voices of those in the Global South. It presents a nuanced perspective on the economic and social benefits of the BRI projects, which shows a stark contrast with the "debt-trap diplomacy" narrative.