
Ice and Snow Festival Held in Changsha

来源:enghunan.gov.cn 编辑:樊令钰 2023-12-29 10:40:19

On December 25, the Changsha Fantawild Oriental Heritage Theme Park launched a series of activities to celebrate the Ice and Snow Festival. Tourists interacted with ice elves at a square with an artificial snowfall, participated in the ice and snow sports games, joined in a bonfire party, and enjoyed a fireworks show. The festival celebrations brought immense joy to tourists. The photo, taken on December 25, shows tourists having fun at the Changsha Fantawild Oriental Heritage Theme Park. (Photo/Xu Xing, Hunan Daily)

The photo, taken on December 25, shows tourists watching singing and dancing performances at the Changsha Fantawild Oriental Heritage Theme Park. 

The photo, taken on December 25, shows tourists attending a bonfire party at the Changsha Fantawild Oriental Heritage Theme Park.

The photo, taken on December 25, shows tourists enjoying night view at the Changsha Fantawild Oriental Heritage Theme Park.

This article is from the Hunan Provincial Government www.enghunan.gov.cn.

Translator: Xiao Juan

Chinese source: hunantoday



