
Changsha's Copyright Industry Accounts for About 7.62% of GDP

来源:hunan.gov.cn 编辑:樊令钰 2023-12-13 14:58:44

On December 7, the 2023 Malanshan Copyright Protection and Innovation Forum was held at the Malanshan Video Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Changsha, with the theme of "Focusing on copyright to empower urban development and build a global R&D center."

At the forum, representatives of national copyright demonstration units in 2023 were awarded plaques. Meanwhile, the China Digital Copyright Protection and Development Report (2023) and the Changsha Digital Copyright Protection and Development Report were released. Besides, 18 copyright enterprises signed contracts on site.

Copyright protection is an important guarantee for the healthy development of the cultural industry. In recent years, Changsha has vigorously advanced the construction of a national copyright demonstration city, and witnessed all-round upgrades of copyright services, leapfrog improvement of copyright registration, explosive growth in the copyright industry, and systematic structuring of the copyright ecology. In 2022, the total number of copyright registrations citywide reached 135,000, which is 2.3 times that of 2021 and 23 times that of 2020. The copyright industry has increased by more than 10% for five consecutive years, accounting for about 7.62% of the city's GDP. Exports of commodities in the copyright sector accounted for 13.64% of the city's total export volume. Liuyang fireworks lit up the night sky during the London Olympic Games and Sochi Winter Olympics. The China South Publishing & Media Group exported copyright works to 35 countries and regions. Changsha was rated as the National Copyright Demonstration City, and won the 2022 WIPO-NCAC Copyright Gold Awards Management Award, becoming the first provincial capital city in central China to claim both honors.



